“Sadik Tafarshiku” Public Library
The building of the library was built in 1908, being among the oldest public buildings in the city of Ferizaj. In the past it served as a Municipality, then as a Pedagogical Entity, and for a while its basement also served as a prison, where many residents suffered severe punishment and mistreatment by the Serbian military-police authorities. After the last war in Kosovo (1998-1999), this building was converted into a Library. The architecture of this building has a structure mainly composed of the influence and interweaving of Austrian and Eastern cultures.
City Theatre “Adriana Abdullahu”
Teatri i Qytetit në Ferizaj ka filluar të ndërtohet në vitin 1924 dhe ka përfunduar në vitin 1927. Në fillim kishte shërbyer si qendër gjimnastikore. Nga viti 1943, ky objekti fillon të përdoret për teatrin amator të Ferizajt. Themelues i Teatrit ka qenë Hasan Dyngjeri. Ky teatër ka pasur një numër të konsiderueshëm shfaqjesh të zhanreve të ndryshme të dramaturgjisë. Në vitin 2007 teatri u shndërrua nga një teatër amator në atë profesional, dhe mori emrin “Adriana Abdullahu”. Teatri “Adriana Abdullahu” ka një veprimtari e kontribut të pasur në artin dramatik kombëtar, duke qenë për mbi 50 vite, që nga viti 1970, organizatore e Festivalit më të madh mbarëkombëtar të teatrove.
Art Gallery
The Art Gallery in Ferizaj was founded in 2010 by the decision of the Municipal Assembly of Ferizaj. The Gallery aims to present and promote visual arts, such as: paintings, sculptures, graffiti, design, architecture, installations and other genres of visual arts. “Ismail Rama” Art Gallery has an activity full of exhibitions, props, workshops, training for young artists, etc. For 12 years, it has realized about 70 collective, national and international exhibitions with the participation of artists from many countries of the world, as well as about 30 individual exhibitions. Having a busy agenda with jubilee events, such as the traditional collective exhibition for February 17 – the day of Kosovo’s Independence and the awarding of the “Gursel Sylejmani” award, then the Drawing Biennial, Culture Days, Diaspora Days, Sculpture Biennial, the Caricature Festival, the Photography Exhibition, has become one of the most active Galleries in the country.
Ferizaj Archive
The Archive building was built in 1928, where during different historical periods it was used for different functions, such as state security station. The building was in private possession until 1947, then the state owned it.
The Historical Archive of the city of Ferizaj was established on 19.04.1980 by decision of the Municipal Assembly, but the work as a cultural unit started on 01.09.1980. There were a total of 199 municipality registrations.
Now the Historical Archive includes the city of Ferizaj with the district and operates within the Directorate for Culture, Youth and Sports. It contains 68 funds of various activities (urban planning, education, economy, agriculture, administration, communication, infrastructure plans, etc.).
The daily functioning of the Archive is as follows: (1) classification of archival material and their maintenance; (2) serving citizens with documentation they need; (3) reports; (4) acceptance of documents and scientific works of citizens, submitted voluntarily.
Train Station Building
The Train Station building was built in 1874 after the completion of the works on the construction of the railway line. This is the oldest public building in the city. The railway was designed by the French who had also done numerous projects in the territories of the Ottoman Empire. This railway had a very important role in the formation of the city of Ferizaj which, over the years, expanded to become a large settlement. The railway was popularly known as “Udha e frëngut”. Also, this railway evokes many memories throughout its existence, making it often the protagonist of many historical events, starting with the deportation of hundreds of thousands of Jews to Nazi concentration camps, during the years of the Second World War. Also, we remember the of the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Kosovo Albanians, as a result of the Serbian violence and genocide perpetrated against the Albanian people during the war in Kosovo (1998-99).
Nika’s Mill
Nika’s Mill is located in the west of the city of Ferizaj, close to the bifurcation natural phenomenon of Neredime River. There were traditionally many water mills in Ferizaj, with a total of 52 of them on the Neredime river alone. Among the most popular mills is the Mill of Nika which is located a few meters away from the Bifurcation phenomenon. It is thought to have been built in the 17th century during the Ottoman rule. The journey of this mill through time has been characterized by many different challenges. Seeing that the architecture of this mill had begun to degrade from the heavy weight of centuries, intervention was considered as an imperative need. Thus, it was rebuilt in 2003, having been preserved its shape and appearance.
The Great Mill
It was built during the 70s of the 18th centuries, and it was the most famous mill in the Ferizaj area and beyond. This mill had six operating stones that moved with the help of a turbine which took the starting power from the trough filled with water and then triggered the movement of the stones and the preparation of the flour obtained from the corn grinding. There were many people from different regions of Kosovo who, many times, waited from two to three days to grind the corn; for this reason, there was also a guest house or a guest room nearby the mill to accommodate the guests.
The Mill in Neredime të Epërme
The mill in Neredime të Epërme (Upper Neredime) belongs to the 20th century, which is functional and enables the grinding of corn. Over the years, the shape of the mill has undergone changes; it has been slightly reduced and adapted to work with only two stones that help grind corn.
Selman Bega’s Mill
It belongs to the long line of water mills that were in the course of the Great River and the Neredima River. This mill is located in the village of Jezerc, which was quite rich with this cultural heritage that was related to the milling industry. Therefore, this mill belongs to the beginning of the 20th century; it also had interventions to extend its life in several periods. However, in 2012 it was rebuilt, where inside it there is only one stone that was used for grinding corn.
The Waiter’s Mural at the Lybeten Hotel
This mural was originally engraved to identify the first and largest hotel in Ferizaj which was built in the period between 1959-1960. So, this was like a gift that was given to the Hotel Lybeten which then became an identity mural that symbolized the city during the post-World War II period. It is worth noting that this wall picture affirmed Ferizaj as his symbol, in many different documents, photographs and postcards in which this wall picture was placed. Therefore, nowadays this has a value of historical importance, considering that it preserves the culture and heritage of the city of Ferizaj.
Meytep of Pleshina Village
This building dates from the beginning of the 20th century; it first served as a meytep where teaching was conducted mainly in the Ottoman and Arabic languages, where religious clerics graduated from this school. After the First World War with the invasion of Kosovo by the SKS, this facility was redesigned, transforming from a meytep into a school for the education of Serbian colonists who arrived after 1919. But after the Second World War, this facility included also Albanian students; its renovation was done in 2012, becoming part of the “Five Martyrs of the Nation” school and to serve as the school’s library.
Former meytep of Neredime
Neredime School belongs to the 19th century. At first it served as a meytep (elementary religious school), to educate the muezzins, and then it was adapted and it operated for years as a school facility for the Neredime region.
Traditional house in Koshare
The house of Hasan Fazlia in the village of Koshare has a vernacular architectural style, characteristic of the architecture and constructions in different parts of Kosovo, mainly in the Kosovo Plain. Here we are dealing with a combination of construction techniques and materials such as: wood and adobe that make it possible to build and bond walls with mortar. These building practices were almost building styles that were used throughout the 19th century, and to continue in the 20th century as well. Therefore, this traditional house belongs to the period of the second half of the 19th century.
House of Emrush Jashari in Jezerc
This is a residential complex that represents the traditional architecture that was characteristic of many houses in Jezerc. But even today, this house has managed to survive, representing one of the values of the tradition of this area, through the construction of houses from stone material. This house was built in 1830.
Former “Ismajl Qemajli” Gymnasium
The building of the former “Ismajl Qemajli” Gymnasium was built in 1928. In this school, students from different communities living in the municipality of Ferizaj, such as Albanians, Serbs, Roma, Ashkali, etc., have studied. The building is in good condition, but is currently not in use. In 1991, the regime of that time built a several-storey building in the school’s courtyard. It was, however, never completed.
Former Student Dormitory
The former Student Dormitory was built in 1930 and served as an elementary school until the end of 1991-92. After the end of the war, this school was again transformed into an educational facility for adequate professional occupations in the field of construction. Since 2012, this building has been used by various organizations.